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ARIGON STARR (CREATOR/WRITER/ARTIST) is the talent behind this latest Native American Superhero comic. JANET MINER is the Editor-In-Chief of Rezium Studios' new webcomic "Super Indian."

The story is that Hubert Logan was an ordinary Reservation boy until he ate tainted commodity cheese and gained superpowers. Could have happen to anyone. "Super Indian" is set on the fictional Leaning Oak Reservation. Each week, Hubert becomes Super Indian, his heroic alter-ego who fights evil on the Reservation.


(FOR THE YOUNGER SET) Super Indian is like "Glee" set on the Reservation with Super heroes!

(FOR THE OLDER SET) It's as crazy as the old Batman television series only if it was set on an Indian Reservation.

(FOR THE SCIENCE FICTION GEEKS OUT THERE) Super Indian is like "Buckaroo Bonzai goes to the Reservation."

However you see it -- Super Indian is fun for all ages and we're glad you're here!




It's finally time for the annual Comic Con convention in San Diego! This is the second time we've gone back to make some connections and meet folks at the Con. If you're unfamiliar with the humongous San Diego Comic Con.....I wonder what rock you've been living under. AAAY! Seriously -- tens of thousands of comic book, science fiction, gamer, movie and TV fans gather to talk about the craft, the stars and just plain pleasure of Comic Books. Many of the major film studios, television networks and of course, Comic Book publishers gather to meet & greet the fans. It's a tough ticket to come by -- but if you pay attention, you can get those tickets early and be part of the fun.

This morning (Thursday, July 21, 2010), creator Arigon Starr took the train from Los Angeles' Union Station to San Diego to pick her credentials for the Comic Con convention. "It was a kick to go on the train. It was a mix of Comic Con people, regular folks and a bunch of decked out people going to the opening day of the annual Del Mar Races. It was a world of costumes, I tell you what!" Arigon "twittered" about seeing some gals dressed in Anime-styled outfits and an Amish father and son. "I think they were legit," she commented.

We're also reproducing the images that adorn the latest Super Indian promotional postcard. Take a look!

Super Indian 2010 Postcard Front
Super Indian 2010 Postcard Back


We'll post photos and stories as they come in. In the meantime, rest assured that "Super Indian" is creating a presence at this year's Comic Con in San Diego!


Well, it's about dang time we updated this website. It was always in the planning, but it's been in just the past few months that things have started to get hot around here. Arigon Starr and Janet Miner decided to created "Rezium Studios" to accommodate all the interest in "Super Indian" and have agreed to release the comic as an online-only "Webcomic."

"I've been to a bunch of other comic book gatherings, plus spoken with other industry professionals and it seemed like the best way to get my work out to a wider audience is to launch it on the web," said Arigon.

Arigon plans to update the site once a week with a new part of the story. She hasn't agreed on a set day of the week yet, but we'll let you know when we have the info.